Tag Archives: Style

The best kind of beautiful.

I’ve always been more of an Audrey Hepburn girl myself, but in the past year or so I have been watching a lot of old movies, including some Marilyn films. If there is one thing that girl could do, it was nail the “having fun while being undeniably gorgeous and flirty” thing. I came across this photo set through a friend’s pinterest post and couldn’t resist posting. Between the pattern, the lighting, and her incredible way of working the camera… they are truly amazing.


See more here.


tumblr update!

Happy Monday lovelies!

I hope you are all having a great start to the week. It’s sunny and gorgeous here in Portland, and is rumored to hit 79 degrees by the end of the day (!!!) so everyone has been flocking outside. It seems like every meeting you go into there is a set of pink shoulders 9our Portland skin isn’t used to this!).

I wanted to take the chance to do a quick public service announcement that I re-designed my tumblr over at hotonadime.tumblr.com. It’s my visual diary of sorts cataloging some of my favorite inspiration images from around the interwebs, and now it just feels like it captures that intention a little better than it did before. Β Check it out if you get a chance, and hopefully you’ll find something fun on there that inspires you too.

I started a few projects this weekend that I can’t wait to finish up and show you on here, but if you are following me over on instagram (@hot_on_a_dime) you may have seen a sneak peek or two, including my little helper. More on that soon!

Good luck this week.


Nordstrom Designer Preview

Last Thursday, March 1st, I had the chance to attend the Spring 2012 Designer Preview put on by Nordstrom. It was held at the Portland Art Museum and was a surprisingly good time. It was another fashion show that was showcasing the current season, not the upcoming one, followed by a shopping event where you had the chance to purchase the items you saw on the runway. Needless to say I wasn’t scribbling down as many notes about what I planned on purchasing as some of the women in the front row…

The shopping event afterwards had anything from clothes, to shoes, to accessories, and even a greta selection of designers they didn’t feature in the show but carried in the store. There were also some delightful cocktails circling around (including a full champagne bar!). As you can see below, I was also obsessed with their amazing light box tables.

Clothing Warehouse

It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a vintage shop that was as well curated as Clothing Warehouse, without being over-priced. They had a well edited selection, and things in various budgets. I randomly stumbled upon them while killing time down in SoHo on my last day in NYC last trip, and thank goodness! I only came out with a fun new ring and some suspenders for the boyfriend, but so very cute!



So very appropriate

This morning it is super rainy in Portland in that way that we crave as natives here in the city. So gorgeous to watch out the window, and this website is the perfect fit for the day of online browsing. With a great soundtrack and great photos of some of the best trench coats out right now, you can’t help but fall in love. Burberry, you’ve done it again…

Visit Art of the Trench over at Burberry now for some great photos by The Sartorialist himself, some great rainy day tunes, and some incredible style.
Happy Drooling πŸ˜‰

My love for Red Jackets…

Saw this incredible image over on The Satorialist. I love red coats like this (as you may have noticed by now), and hope that some of the photos from our shoot with my red coat come back good! I’ve been obsessed with the red coat & dark hair look since I first saw the movie Love Actually. I don’t know if it’s just her accent, but what a great look!

Apparently I need to shop in NYC

I know I have over-posted a bit about my trip & findings… but bear with me. I am fully convinced of the shopping power of NYC. Many things that have been on my list of wants/NEEDS πŸ˜‰ were found there and far cuter/more affordable than expected! A fruitful trip none-the-less!
Long-time list that has been fulfilled:
Cute red winter coat: Every since watching Love Actually years ago, I decided I needed a cute red coat too. I have never found one in the right cut, or the right price range (weird how those two things avoid each other)… until now! Thank you Uniqlo, my new favorite shopping destination!

Opaque Orange Tights: Needed crucially for Beaver games, and even more so now that I have Oregon State Alumni functions to attend occasionally. Who knew I’d have to fly across the country in order to not by them in the Halloween section? Thanks once more Uniqlo!
A new transition purse: I needed a purse that was sturdy this time (sorry old purse, your fake leather started to flake off & I got dirty looks walking into Miu Miu) and that was a neutral tone, without being dull and boring. H&M to the rescue with my new bag. With a flat bottom it never falls over & dumps. Has an easy-access external pocket with zipper, as well as a main top zipper for riding the train, etc.! Trust me the photo doesn’t do it justice!

Japanese Masking Tape: As you saw in the last post… the super fun masking tape I hadn’t been able to track down!

Public School Visit

And no, not the kind where you talk about your profession πŸ˜‰

I was in NYC for work this past week, and a coworker had to run an errand before heading out to dinner. It was his friends’ studio, so I figured why not? Turns out it was a clothing line I have followed for a bit after discovering online. They work in a collaborative studio that is a shared space with a few other designers, an ad firm, etc. Needless to say I was excited to see how designers that I aspire to function in the city (and how fun it looked!)…. someday… πŸ˜‰

A sneak peek at their studio…

I love the details they use. As you can see here. Check them out at their site. They also have a great blog.
With subtle military influence, I like that it is more about the craft on the garments. Very cool pieces. It’s so hard to find men’s clothing that is well considered anymore. They were a brand I was watching for this reason, and to have the chance to see behind the scenes…? Made me want to move to New York that much more…